Growing up I think a lot of us see our parents as superheroes and that we don’t see any chinks in their armor or things they may be dealing with but as we get older we see injuries happen, life gets busy, you have kids (or fur kids), etc. and you just start become more and more sedentary for one reason or another.
This doesn’t just mean getting them to exercise every day. It also means thinking about their bone health, mental health, and social health too! Some people say that old dogs can’t learn new tricks, and I reject this premise! I think if you listen to a person’s story long enough you’ll hear what is important to them.
For me as a baseball kid, I saw my Dad go through a lower back surgery and how that effected his back and hip pain. And then a few years later when he tried to slide head first at a work softball game and broke his shoulder (I was watching from the outfield).
Throughout time your hobbies and what’s important to you will inevitably change and for him that meant being an active grandfather and being in good enough fitness to go to car shows with my mom. Using that previously hurt shoulder to throw a baseball with my nephew was IMPORTANT and walking around in the sun for hours without his hip bothering him was IMPORTANT.
Sometimes people say as a parent or guardian, you can instill healthy practices in your children so that they are the healthiest versions of themselves but why not the inverse? Why not establish healthy habits that you and your parents can apply in their own way?
Here are some top tips for keeping your parents healthy and active.
Encourage Them to Be Social and Active
Nowadays, many adults want to sit inside all day playing on their phones or watching TV like kids do. However, it’s important for your mental and social health to find other adults with similar hobbies to mingle with.
Sunlight is essential for physical and mental health. It stimulates vitamin D synthesis in the skin, which helps to maintain bone health and boosts serotonin production. I don’t know why when we get older this seems childish but it applies to all.
Back home in Louisiana, we have this small holiday called Mardi Gras (I kid) where people dress up, party, and mingle, and it's awesome. I think in Tampa you guys have some smaller and similar called Gasparilla (also kidding). This is just an example of something local that you can do with or without your parents. The social activities are limitless and they can choose.
Encourage them to Lift Weights
I think our younger generation is blessed with knowledge of how being active and lifting weights can improve injury and overall quality of life. We’ve learned that going to the gym can mean much more than an occasional walk on the treadmill or aerobics class.
There have been tons of research studies that show general strength training can improve pain symptoms, range of motion, sleep quality, and mental health. Well, there’s your magic pill right there! It always makes me so happy to see someone Wiser (I would never say older) in the gym trying to improve or maintain their quality of life.
Encourage a Regular Sleep Schedule
Sleep is essential for everybody but it is especially important for Adults. Try sticking to the same bedtime every night and wake up at the same time each morning. You should aim to achieve around eight hours of sleep each night so that their physical and mental health is optimized.
Follow these tips and you should have no problem keeping your parents healthy and active this Fall!