Spinal pain is one of the most common issues sought to be treated by chiropractic clinicians. Some of the most common conditions we see include:
- Neck Sprain/Strain
- Neck Disc Injury
- Neck Muscle Spasm
- Cervical Facet Syndrome
- Cervical Radiculopathy
- Lumbar Sprain/Strain
- Lumbar Disc Pain
- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
- Lumbar Facet Syndrome
- Osteoarthritis
- Post-surgical rehabilitation
- Sports-related neck/lower back pain
- Chronic inflammation
- Trauma (Car Accidents, Football Tackle, Volleyball Players Colliding)
One of the modalities the Winback4 can perform is Tecartherapy. What is Tecartherapy, and how can we apply it to treat Spinal Pain?
Winback Tecartherapy T.E.C.A.R. means Transfer of Capacitive and Resistive Energy and describes a high-frequency alternating current. The scientific term describes the permittivity of the cell membrane at specific frequencies that can accelerate healing and rehabilitation. The targeted area can stimulate intra- and extracellular exchanges by making the plasma membrane permeable. A higher frequency current of 500 kHz can target superficial to semi-deep soft tissues, and a frequency of 300 kHz can target deep, hard tissues. Similar to other techniques we utilize in our offices, it is non-invasive, and evidence has shown it to be effective.
Three effects happen with the use of Tecartherapy.
RELIEVE PAIN- It inhibits the transmission of pain by saturating nociceptors, which can give immediate and lasting relief and allow our rehabilitation to be less painful and more effective
RESTORE MOVEMENT- Increasing temperature helps to release muscle tension and improve vascularization to make movement and improve your range of motion
BOOST METABOLISM- Stimulates intracellular and extracellular exchanges. The natural resistance of biological tissue increases, creating diathermy, which is used by the vascular/lymphatic system.
This therapy is widely used in sports medicine, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation for its effectiveness in reducing pain, inflammation, and muscle tension. We can use it to stimulate deep tissue healing, reduce inflammation and spinal pain while simultaneously using electromagnetic waves to increase blood circulation and oxygen to the injured are.
Enhancing Treatment using Multiple Modalities Simultaneously
Utilizing the Winback 4, we can use multiple modalities at once to increase tissue healing and recovery time, but also be efficient in our treatment. We can use Tecar therapy while also using potentially using Hi-TENS and Hi-EMS technology at the same time.
The Hi-TENS current is a high frequency current pulsed at low frequency. It therefore combines the properties of the TECAR current with those of low-frequency currents. Low frequencies currents have a recognized analgesic action. The Hi-TENS current also has a superficial local muscular action, since it causes an isolated contraction of the muscle fibers (twitch) when they are stimulated at 2Hz or 5Hz. Hi-TENS current effect: The Hi-TENS current at 2 and 5Hz offers a long-term analgesic action by releasing endogenous morphinomimetic substances. Hi-TENS at 25Hz results in saturation of the nociceptors leading to immediate analgesia. This can be super helpful in acute episodes of lower back or neck pain to help desensitize the area and lower pain symptoms.
Hi-EMS utilizes medium-frequency currents to have a stimulating musculoskeletal effect. The motor nerve fibers are stimulated without the algogenic sensory fibers being recruited. Muscle contraction is almost painless. Hi-EMS provides better recruitment of the motor units. Frequencies between 25 and 50Hz, usually used, have the disadvantage of stimulating the algogenic fibers at the same time. Medium frequencies allow a more efficient and intense contraction. It also has 3 different currents that include Focal, Radial, or Drain. The Hi-EMS Focal current makes it easier to recruit deep muscles. The Hi-EMS Radial current recruits the superficial muscles in a chain. The Hi-EMS Drain current accelerates drainage and can be used to reduce swelling and enhance lymphatic drainage, promoting faster healing. This has been especially helpful in athlete injury recovery time and post-surgically to reduce injury swelling and discomfort.
Non-Invasive and Painless Treatment Unlike surgical interventions or injections, Winback TECAR therapy is completely non-invasive. Patients experience a gentle warming sensation without discomfort, making it a pleasant alternative to conventional treatments. Following treatment, we can perform the rehabilitation exercises to further enhance the mobility and stability of our spinal functionality and how that relates to athletic performance or just improvements in daily activities. Most people who experience these modalities tell me they’ve never felt anything similar and that the physiotherapy aspect of training is so much more effective due to the combination of treatment.
In Conclusion, the Winback4 has allowed us to provide world class treatment to spinal pain and functionality by offering a fast, time-effective, and non-invasive solution. Whether you're an athlete recovering from an injury or someone dealing with acute or chronic spinal pain, TECAR therapy can help restore mobility and improve not only the quality of your rehab experience, but also change your approach to injury recovery in general.
If you’re struggling with spinal pain, it's time to schedule your FREE Discovery Visit in our Tampa or Pinellas Park office to see if utilzing the Winback4 is right for you!